
P30 vs p229
P30 vs p229

p30 vs p229

Proving a negative isn't exactly a realistic expectation. I'm not saying every P250 is a POS, but I am saying that there's little reason to buy one, given better options exist without spending a nickle more.ĭo you have evidence that hasn't occurred? There are better guns, at the same price range, and that's fairly evident at this point.

p30 vs p229

I honestly don't understand the support for this particular pistol, beyond those who already own it and want to support their purchase. If by snobs, you mean people who won't support a company that uses US Gov't trials and private owners to do all of their beta testing.then yes.

p30 vs p229

The first three shot group was almost dead center (I was amazed actually) with a 2" spread. Interestingly, I had a semi-novice shooter shoot my P250 just this past weekend, I explained the best way (smooth trigger pull all the way through and concentrate on the front side) to shoot the P250. I shoot the P250 as well as any Colt or Glock. The trigger pull is like a revolver, which I carried for many years as a LEO (back before many on this forum were likely born) so I may be biased. I am guessing 80% of the P250 bashing comes from non-owners, handgun snobs, and some Gen1 owners who did get burned. etc.I actually own a P250, 100% reliable and competes with my non-Sig guns in terms of quality and reliability. I can think of situations where the gun may need to be fired in other grips. Problem with the XD is the grip safety can be problematic in that if you don't have a perfect combat grip on the gun it won't fire. Problem with the M&P is the trigger sucks unless you get some work on it. which definitely leaves you with some great choices. SInce you apparently don't like glocks (have you TRIED them?) that leaves M&P and XD. That also requires a light capable holster. I would also get a tac-light for it to help control the muzzle flip of the. Personally I would go with something striker fired. striker fired or hammer fired? Any capacity you're shooting for? Double stack or single stack? Trigger preferences? Safety/no safety? You didn't really lay out too much of what you're looking for. 40, however I don't want the one that is tried and true in nearly every law enforcement agency in the country and one of the most popular handguns in the country" I don't want a Glock, and I'm not bashing them its just preference.

P30 vs p229